Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Suffering For Jesus

The team has decided to convey the disparity of our situation with you in hope that you might better understand how to encourage and pray for us.  The conditions are awful.  Every morning for breakfast, a vicious gang of cats stalks Leah, just waiting for their chance to pounce.  Birds from inside the hotel swoop in over your heads while you try to gather some food.  Lyall and Sheila's marriage is going to require some serious repair after recent confrontations.  Torrential rain has made it impossible to go outside.  Power to the hotel has become iffy at best, and the team is utterly exhausted.

Truth is there's a good story to each one of those woes and the only downsides at the moment are simply that we are getting tired. Some bodies are confused and everyone has done plenty of walking and had a late night.  For the rest of the week will have to fit planning sessions into every nook and cranny.

Today was a little more relaxed until our evening activities.  We met families as they trickled in and we spent more and more time with them as the day went on. By the end of the day we had a full conference of over 150 people.  The kid's attitudes are surprising us almost always in a good way as the younger group is not seeing any difficulties for the rest of week and the older group is looking forward to what's in store!

Our team is finally complete with Janna Banana arriving in the early evening from Prague!

Our big adventure out on the town is scheduled for tomorrow morning so it's time to sign off.


  1. It'll be interesting to hear the "real scoop" about the stories. :) Remind Lyall and Sheila that there is a Valentine's Day conference that may be helpful.

    Praying for you as you minister.

  2. While the blog was an exaggeration, I can confirm that Lyall was in the doghouse for at least a day. :-)

  3. Praying for you all, hoping that the week gets better and you can get some rest!
